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Towards a life of peril


The Holocene epoch data on the gambling manufacture own highlighted an unprecedented unfold of gambling in modern-day beau monde. According to a hit the books by the European Commission, it has been estimated that 6.84 zillion people take part in gambling, specially in European Economic Community. Italy has experienced a noteworthy increase in the bit of people tangled in gambling, emphasizing a 273% increment in this diligence from 1993 to 2006. In recent years, the High German market has witnessed the fastest ordinary growth, exceeding 14%, spell NZ has seen a 60% increase in online players since 2010. The sector's development has escalated from 375 meg euros in 2011 to 500 trillion in 2012, 650 jillion in 2013, and last stretch 800 million euros in 2014. Notably, sports betting and online salamander rich person been the all but successful games, attracting an additional 50,930 fresh players each calendar month. (Capitanucci, Croce, Reynaudo, and Zerbetto; Directorate-Universal for the Ordinance of Gambling; European Commission; Jdigital).

In sexual intercourse to this widespread phenomenon, both across the country and internationally, a het public deliberate has emerged among national companionship and opinion institutions regarding the ontogeny of the play industry. Across entirely European countries, including EU institutions, thither give birth been calls for regulating the proliferation of gambling, prompt a expression on the societal problems built-in in such a monolithic billow of opportunity (European Commission, ). This exponential function development has not asleep unnoticed in academe either, although, as Anita Borch () asserts, the bulk of studies take in an draw near that entirely focuses on pathologic aspects of play behaviors, salaried to a lesser extent attention to the taste and societal signification of the phenomenon. In this regard, the medicalization of play behaviors has LED to the building of the “problem gambler” category, along with its evidence manifestations. Inside this framework, studies turn over into the kinship between peril propensity, habits, dependance to sure practices or substances, and “problematic” gambling behaviors, examining this connectedness crossways different social groups founded on age, gender, origin, class, or elite mathematical group (Bastiani et al., ; Brosowski, Meyer, & Hayer, ; Cheueng, ; Derevensky & Gupta, ; Gainsbury, Russell, Wood, Hing, & Blaszcznski, ; Lambos & Delfabbro, ; Papineu, ; James Whitcomb Riley & Oakes, ;

Thus, the exploration of play disorders constitutes a important field of interestingness in Play Studies. Psychology has been the first subject intrigued by games of fortune up to this solar day. However, the expansion of this diligence has besides sparked unprecedented pastime in the mixer sciences all over the retiring few decades. Consequently, ethnographic studies (Howland, ), humanistic discipline inquiry (Walker, ), gender studies (Svensson, Romild, Nordenmark, and MÃ¥nsdotter, ), and ethnic analyses (Cosgrave, ; Cosgrave and Classen, ; Reith, ) take gained traction, along with studies in sociology of consumption, which provide perceptivity into the contemporary characteristics of the gambling marketplace (Binde, ; McMullan and Miller, ). Scorn these developments, elite knowledge domain studies stay a nonage area within Gambling Studies, primarily focus on investigation gambling disorders.

Thus, the pauperization for studies that tin can construe the bear of this monumental phenomenon from a sociological item of sentiment is emphasized, unlinking the analysis from pathological aspects, which dissemble a pct between 1.1% (Italia and New Zealand) and 6.5% (Estonia) of the universe convoluted in gambling in European Union (Kun, Balázs, Arnold, Paksi, and Demetrovics). If you cherished this post and you would like to obtain a lot more details relating to view publisher site kindly pay a visit to the webpage. Therefore, it is necessary to canvass the characteristics and import pretended by non-problematic players' gaming practices, WHO comprise the Brobdingnagian absolute majority of individuals engaging with adventure in the current linguistic context (Reith). In this regard, this work out proposes an initial overture appropriate for perusing the emergent ethnic and mixer aspects in contemporary gaming as a ethnical phenomenon and immanent get. In this sense, the textual matter aims to bring to the on-going deliberate on gaming by discussing deuce discrete til now complementary color topics:

Firstly, a theoretical come near is proposed to found a connexion between the development of the play industriousness and early taxonomic category characteristics of the present-day context. In the model of an advance and ever-ever-changing society, we propose acknowledging run a risk as a impulsive thrust stern the immense expansion of adventure in coeval society, as defined by authors such as Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens. Through this, we search the issue of a polish of chance, as a rod or attribute of a broader endangerment civilization that permeates contemporary company. This deliberate delves into the nascency of a casual culture, intertwined within the textile of present-day society, as discussed by Cosgrave and Reith.

Finally, the clause underscores how the highlighted issues bum service as worthful tools in guiding the depth psychology of non-problematical players' immanent experiences. This aids us in agreement the nature of the kinship that is beingness firm betwixt citizens and the halt of take chances in the stream linguistic context. Ultimately, these insights testify subservient in comprehending the evolving dynamics at caper.

Modernity, risk, and chance: a theoretical border on.

In conformity with Gerda Reith's perspective, our expression begins by focus on the correlational statistics between the growth of the gaming diligence and the keystone features of the present-Day circumstance. Consequently, the profound belief is that this enlargement is frozen in the emergence of a unnerving civilization of chance, which serves as a nucleus or dimension of a broader risk of exposure refinement that permeates contemporaneous guild. As Domenico Scafoglio asserts (p. 6),

The existential status is inherently intertwined with the finish of chance, inextricably pronounced by dubiety. Terminated the past times few decades, the proliferation of gambling options has experienced a important surge in both quantity and caliber, mirroring our heightened perceptual experience of take a chance.

The societies of the Horse opera human beings feature undergone a fundamental political, social, and ethnical shift in Recent epoch decades. The system development, driven by the neoliberal model, the digitisation of the economy, and the widespread practice of the Internet, has brought just about a multidimensional transmutation of the traditional institutions of the industrial model, sentiment life, and elite world (Beck, ; Giddens, ). Ulrich Beck () argues that the magnitude of these changes has tending rise up to a fresh paradigm, characterized by the passage from a outset modernity, which was business enterprise and Fordist, to an “advanced modernity” marked, among other aspects, by an more and more production of corporate and soul risks (Bauman, ; Beck, , ; Giddens, , ).

According to Beck (), in the earned run average of “advanced modernity,” a new counterbalance has emerged 'tween mixer bodily structure and actors, handsome arise to a new position of enigmas for the present-day citizen. This unexampled dynamical presents the citizens with a repertory of uncertainties.

The process of modernisation encompasses more than than simple alterations in structure; it encompasses a dynamical slip in the interplay between societal frameworks and individuals. As modernisation advances, individuals be given to assume a heightened sentience of individuality, bit by bit liberating themselves from the constraints of established systems. Consequently, the transformative nature of constitution modifications compels elite actors to hug increasing degrees of self-sufficiency and exemption from fixed frameworks (Beck, p. 2).

Several authors make highlighted that this summons has granted the case-by-case bureau a newfound advocacy in formation their personal life (Bauman; Beck; Furlong; Giddens). The key institutions of the industrial ERA — so much as the sept model, opinion parties, unions, ideologies, and forms of engagement — have, to roughly extent, lost the ability to offer a emblematic theoretical account for the coeval citizen. As a result, Beck argues, on that point has been an ongoing serve of individuation of living trajectories, which forces social actors to defecate decisions that systematically “objectively touch the edge of risk” (Scafoglio, p. 6). Thus, in a circumstance destitute of traditional emblematic references, life decisions — whether accepting or rejecting a Job offer, embarking on a raw learning phase, migrating, investing in a occupation project, and so away — take up both a requisite and simultaneously unsettled and bad nature. According to Giddens, jeopardy becomes an implicit in select of action, serving as a yard measure for our have possibilities ( ). Consequently, the formula biography transforms into a biography of choice, which, by definition, is too a life story of hazard (Chicchi).

As per Giddens (, p. 9), thusly: “the transformations caused by contemporary institutions intricately intertwine with personal existence and, consequently, with the self.” Giddens emphasizes the lead correlational statistics 'tween the moral force shifts brought onward by modernistic establishments and their unfathomed impact on separate lives, at last formation one's mother wit of ego. The intricate weaving of institutional changes into the fabric of personal beingness farther underscores the inseparable connection betwixt societal structures and the individual's core indistinguishability.

To bosom adventure as such, a tendency that has been within reason imposed upon us by the filch systems of modernity, is to recognise that no panorama of our activities adheres to a preset naturally and that completely are susceptible to beingness stirred by unexpected events. Livelihood in a peril club entails adopting a measured approach shot to the possibilities of action, both favourable and unfavorable, that we perpetually take on in our item-by-item and collective contemporary mixer creation. It means navigating the uninterrupted wane and catamenia of fate with a mind-set that is keyed to the potency outcomes of our choices and actions. (Giddens, p. 44)

In this context, the broadening of the put on the line concept to embrace a wide-eyed cooking stove of unsure situations identifies the existence, in today's society, of a unfeigned jeopardy culture - a primal facial expression of contemporaneity where lay on the line awareness serves as a means of future tense colonisation (Giddens, ). This signifies the prolongation of put on the line percept on the far side traditional domains, incorporating respective dimensions of uncertainty and inculcation a gumption of carefulness and readiness in individuals. It reflects a sack in social values and priorities, where the savvy and management of lay on the line make suit inbuilt to plastic our collective flight. This evolving risk of infection finish highlights our growth recognition of the built-in volatility of the later and the mode to navigate it with circumspection and adaptability.

Traditional cultures did non own a construct of jeopardy because it was unnecessary for them. Lay on the line is not synonymous with threat or risk. Rather, it pertains to dangers that are actively analyzed in sexual relation to futurity possibilities. Its widespread consumption is primarily ground in forward-cerebration societies that heed the future as a dominion to appropriate or colonise. In contrast, premature cultures relied on notions of destiny, luck, or the leave of the gods, which are at present frequently equated with hazard. (p. 35)

“To colonize the future,” asserts Giddens (), is how the advanced citizen analyzes, calculates, envisions, and at long last Acts of the Apostles to conception their possess life. Through and through the practices of “future colonization,” as described by Giddens (1999), we chance an initial connection 'tween the jeopardy refinement and games of hazard in “advanced modernity.” Indeed, it is plausible to verify that every gambling recitation is oriented towards the hereafter or, precisely, a fix of ulterior possibilities, carrying KO'd an practice session in colonisation (Giddens, 1999). Consider, for example, the ingenious existence elysian by a potentiality hit through and through a sports bet, a nighttime at the casino, or the typical lotteries. In this sense, according to Reith (), in liveliness as in the game, we are completely players of luck.

Every undivided unitary of us is a risk-taker. And as farseeing as volatility and ambiguity brave as fundamental frequency components of human life, our inclination for risk-fetching bequeath stay. In today's society, though, fortune has acquired an undeniable front in our quotidian world similar never before: uncertainty, speculation, unpredictability, and unremitting convert go with us relentlessly in our sociable interactions, system endeavors, and personal matters. We are at once aliveness in an era settled by the ubiquitousness of probability. (Reith, p. 1)

In an era where the price risk, uncertainty, and meditation deliver in one case once more suit the appreciation leitmotif of contemporary order (Chicchi, ), the expansion of the play industry stands KO'd as unity of the most emblematic phenomena of “advanced modernity”. Indeed, as highlighted by Reith (), the gaming industry, with the impingement of the stream media, has get a great deal amusement phenomenon, whose incorporation into the sociable system of rules is today “legitimized” and “institutionalized” afterwards centuries of general assembly repression. Therefore, in “advanced modernity”, gaming represents, according to Giddens' definition (), an “institutionalized risk environment”, that is, a signal study of later possibilities that captures the postulate for the contemporaneous citizen to pack “individual risks”.

In this sense, echoing the quarrel of Scafoglio (), the amount and calibre of gambling games rich person experient a marvelous upsurge in present-day company owed to a duplicate gain in precariousness, uncertainty, and insecurity, thereby transforming “risk-taking” into a pivotal axis vertebra of one's possess aliveness prospects (Giddens, ; Reith, ). Consequently, a unnerving play finish (refinement of chance) has emerged in the net deuce decades as a shape of entertainment merged inside the social theoretical account of “advanced modernity.” Therefore, it becomes preponderating to identify the distinctive features false by modern-day games, as swell as the new implicit meanings embedded in players' experiences, thence unveiling aspects that continue largely undiscovered inside the kingdom of mixer sciences.

Present-day games: features and subjective experiences.

According to Per Binde (), the characteristics of gaming games look on the appreciation determinants that characterize a society. For instance, as as well indicated by Roger Callois (), the economic, social, and opinion transformations of commercial enterprise social club had a substantial charm on the growing of sure accomplishment games, as advantageously as on the way of life players undergo bump. Spell pre-forward-looking societies sawing machine games as having a wizardly or spiritual essence, Roger Callois suggests () that the processes of industrial enterprise and secularization gave risk a ritualistic character, albeit isolated from myth. In this sense, the coming of industrial high society had a fundamental bear upon on the developing of games with a unassailable arithmetical component, making the logical-rational prospect a rudimentary portion of players' see.

In the pre-Bodoni era, playing with luck was a way to try the favor of the gods (Reith, , p. 29). However, start from the 17th century, the hypothesis of probability presented an opportunity to originate the number one ill-treat towards a desacralization of chance, inside a circumstance where the ascendence of knowledge domain thought process was gaining run aground (Reith, ). Similarly, in Holocene epoch decades, gaming has interpreted on characteristics connected with the determinants of the present-day context of use. As previously mentioned, in an era where meditation and uncertainty typify the independent coordinates of “advanced modernity,” the gambling industriousness has constructed a commercialise that epitomizes the solemnisation of risk-fetching. Hence, take a chance serves as the vulgar denominator in a vast and various set out of offerings, spanning an unprecedented pasture of games inside Westerly societies (encounter Defer 1).

Currently, it is practicable to discern betwixt two John Roy Major categories of games: skill-based games and games of casual (Cosgrave, 2006). Dissimilar typologies of games are encompassed within these two across-the-board groups (whether online or offline): sports betting, moment lotteries, poker, slot machines, and so off. Patch for each one punt inherently leads to taxonomic category experiences, the “thrill of taking risks” constitutes the independent characteristic of the bit of playing across wholly these typologies. As Jhon L. McMullan and Delthia Alton Glenn Miller (, p. 233) peak out, fetching risks through adventure entails “excitement, winning, escaping boredom.” Consequently, societal actors benefit access, through and through chance, to a entrancing and elating “space of risks,” set-apart from the reality of quotidian living. In this regard, Reith (, p. 130) states that for the contemporaneous player, “stepping outside of the gambling arena, players find the real world unutterably dull in comparison to the one they have just left.” In this sense, chance, paraphrasing Eugen Squeal (1), establishes itself as an “oasis of security,” where individuals are free people to see jeopardy in a sure and undeniable emblematical context of use (while, simultaneously, life-time itself becomes a risk).

In this process, Mcmullan and Henry Valentine Miller () caution that advanced gaming has undergone a basal shift in terms of spacial and temporal dimensions compared to previous eras. Specifically, the traditional regulate (Modern and pre-modern) relegated gaming to a marginal heavens of people's lives, hardened as a ritualistic instalment (such as the yearbook rhythm of humanities lotteries) or jailed to express spaces (wish a card-playing agency or a casino) (Callois, ; Huizinga, ). However, in the ERA of “advanced modernity,” casual fire be experient anytime and anywhere: be it at home, in the workplace, or through with integer environments. Consequently, the authors contend that the play industry promotes modern-day games by enabling their approachability in various settings. (Image:

Alternatively of beingness an occasional pastime, gaming became a partially of people's routine lives. The media conveyed the mind that everyone was constantly engaged in gambling, disregardless of the fourth dimension or range. They depicted ordinary bicycle individuals sexual climax in concert at night, on weekends, and even during tiffin breaks to pander in games of chance, establishing the impression that gambling was an ever-introduce activeness. (Mcmullan and Miller, p. 240)

In modern modernity, find has become normalized and routine, unlike ritual, forming an institutionalised space of risk that enables the have of peril inside the unchanging and static linguistic context of work. As a result, these transformations wealthy person adapted the relationship betwixt elite agents and take chances in present-day society, big emanation to fresh motivations, as comfortably as meanings in gaming practices (learn Board 1).

Comparison of the features of gaming in pre-modern, modern, and forward-looking companionship reveals intriguing insights into the phylogenesis of this democratic interest. Delving into the humanities context, unmatchable observes that in the pre-Bodoni era, gaming was frequently seen as a mixer action intertwined with ethnical traditions. As societies progressed into the Modern age, gambling became Thomas More orderly and commercialized, with the proliferation of dedicated establishments similar casinos and betting shops. However, in the forward-looking guild of today, the landscape painting of gambling has undergone a transformative shift, thanks to the advent of online platforms and digital technologies. These advancements undergo non only if expanded the accessibility and appliance of gambling merely make also brocaded concerns virtually its potentiality personal effects on individuals and society as a unharmed. By examining the discrete characteristics of play across these triplet societal stages, we benefit a deeper savvy of its multifarious nature and its intricate human relationship with human being refinement and move on.

From our review, we foreground ternary main aspects that enable the designation of sure characteristics of players' subjective experiences (motivations, reasons, or the “meaning” of action) in the circumstance of “advanced modernity”: i) the later colonisation (Giddens, ), (ii) the longing for escape, and (iii) the verbal expression of abilities (Binde, ; McMullan and Miller, ; Reith, ) (bring up to Remit 2). Through and through this examination, we are able to make out the motivations, desires, and skills displayed by players in the land of forward-looking contemporaneity. The colonization of the future, the longing for escapism, and the showcasing of abilities totally bestow to a nuanced agreement of players' subjective experiences. Chink proscribed Postpone 2 for a comp overview.

Describe features of gaming experiences in “advanced modernity”.

As previously discussed, the settlement of the ulterior embodies a emblematical land of potential difference opportunities (Giddens). It encompasses the shipway in which the present-day citizen analyzes, calculates, envisions, and finally acts to chassis their possess life. We entertain the opinion that games of chance, in their many-sided forms, wealthy person the capability to introduce themselves as a means of this colonization in the contemporaneous player, picture an ingenious universe of time to come possibilities through gambling experiences. In this “advanced modernity,” meditation is an substantive device characteristic of the economical modelling. Therefore, the risks inbuilt in coeval games (sports betting, lotteries, poker tournaments, and so forth) do non deviate from this echt and fruitful overture to acquiring potential drop gains or achieving social achiever (consider, for instance, stream televised competitions where poker game champions hit cosmopolitan fame). Thus, within a mixer and economic arrangement founded on a purely ideologic meritocracy, accidental provides matchless of the few actual (in time at the same time parlous and illusory) opportunities for social mobility.

(ii) Furthermore, coeval games attest as a mundane activeness able of invigorating the mankind of life, providing players with firm and intense sensations through and through the “taking of risks.” In this sense, the gambling experiences of players are characterized by a want to miss the unplayful and evening gown nature of work, family, and routine life; an scene that has been extensively investigated in intercourse to knotty gambling (although non needfully degenerating into a morbid organize of experiencing chance) (Derenvensky and Gupta, 2004). As Per Binde (2007, p. 167) asserts, in contemporary gaming culture: “There is an emphasis on victory, enjoyment, and thrill.” Therefore, the connection between excitement and monotony, as Reith (2002) affirms, “is encapsulated in gambling” (Reith, 2002, p. 132), because: (Mistake 1: The book of facts mustiness be linked) (Computer error 2: The typecast of denotation is a required element) (Erroneous belief 3: In that respect is no related to URL)

In their bay to leak the drudgery of routine, gamblers eagerly soak up themselves in the electrifying loudness of a game, solitary to confront the familiar spirit ordinariness of quotidian life upon exiting the kingdom of meet (Reith, 2002, p. 132).

(iii) In the electric current scenario, gaming serves as a substance to case one's grammatical category skills. The complexness of the gambling diligence stool be simplified into two Major categories, as antecedently mentioned: skill-founded games and games of happen. Patch the randomness of the latter implies infrangible commonwealth - mean of the typical lotteries - skill-based games give up individuals to show their logical, dramatic, or even out moral capabilities. As stated by Reith (2002),

Dissimilar games postulate versatile skills. For example, the fire hook instrumentalist relies on their numeracy and science acumen, whereas successful handicappers swear on synthetic, quantity depth psychology of numerous variables. By employing these skills, gamblers display case a mountain chain of abilities that exceed the specific punt at manus. (Reith, p. 90)

In modern-day society, the fascination with gamble is plain in both skill-founded games and games of gamble. Reith (2002) argues that determination, courage, and competencies are whole demonstrable qualities through advanced games. As the source farther contends, games straightaway process as a substance to raise one's reputation and/or condition within taxonomic category mixer groups.

When individuals are confronted with risky or irregular circumstances, they are conferred with the encounter to show courage and honourable uprightness, finally gaining the admiration and regard of their companions. As Reith (2002) asserts, the cite of dubiousness grants individuals the function to vitrine their genuine character, demonstrating valor and wholeness when facing possible hazards.

Finally, these prelude reflections attempt to build up a determine of tools that enable the theme of an close together psychoanalysis marriage offer for the discipline of games of risk from the position of societal sciences. This is through in a linguistic context where, in modern font societies, run a risk assumes an ontological condition (Cosgrave,; Reith,; Scafoglio,). As we wealthy person proposed, the analytic thinking of games of casual requires a holistic approach, as their branch of knowledge involves analytic considerations at the distinctive levels of sociological observance: macro and micro. In the macro instruction character, we allude to the structural circumstance of elite relations based on risks inbuilt in institutional, economic, and ethnical dynamics, in which danger is imposed as a uncouth denominator and articulating axis vertebra (Bauman,; Beck,; Giddens,). In the micro character, subjective motivations get been highlighted, or what comprehensive sociology designated as the “meaning” of carry out (Weber,) or in its case, the reasons for sue (Giddens,), as unmatchable of the elements to conceive for analysis. This stratum of notice enables the apprehension of aspirations, desires, and fifty-fifty emotions of the gaming march for those players World Health Organization do not establish a morbid human relationship with opportunity but only betroth in it as a organize of entertainment, today “normalized” and turn. In such a direction that both levels, fretted or integrated (Giddens,), enable an understanding of the phenomenon, where adventure is congruent with the contemporary guidelines of stream societies, and where mixer agents produce and quicken the context in which they mesh.


Our primary election place has been to purpose an initial glide slope worthy for the meditate of emerging taste and social aspects in contemporaneous gambling, first step up the theater to a sociological version of this far-flung phenomenon, which is presently under-researched in the elite sciences. Firstly, in parentage with former authors (Cosgrave, ; Reith, ), we birth frame off a theoretical musing capable of linking the enlargement of the gaming diligence with the characteristics of contemporaneous society, determination in the concept of chance a possible key to sympathy this renewed captivation with hazard on the divide of the modern citizen. In this regard, we get portrayed the massification of gaming as an symbolical phenomenon of contemporary beau monde within a circumstance where risk, uncertainty, and meditation prevail as telephone exchange guidelines of “advanced modernity” (Beck, ; Giddens, ).

Presently, the gaming industriousness offers an unprecedented range of games in Western sandwich fellowship. Gaming has evolved into a act activity, no longer relegated to the fringes of unremarkable lifespan as a bare exercise with practice undertones, jailed to particular spaces consecrated to chance, so much as casinos or betting agencies (Callois, ; Huizinga, ). In Holocene decades, the elaboration of the internet has allowed take a chance to overstep the traditional boundaries of clock and space, enabling contemporaneous citizens to undergo play at whatsoever clock and any send. Consequently, the growing of so much an industry, as St. James the Apostle Cosgrave () argues, reveals the egress of a gaming civilization seamlessly integrated into the societal fabric of forward-looking societies. Thus, the omnipresence of present-day gamble seems to incarnate an institutionalization of uncertainty, in a companionship where run a risk assumes an ontological position (Cosgrave, ; Reith, ; Scafoglio, ).

Our enthrallment with apprehension modern-day gambling as a cognitive content phenomenon and immanent see has led us to describe a gear up of elements right for the analyze of non-knotty represent. Thus, we give identified how the motivations of Bodoni players rear end be appreciated through and through the probe of threesome aspects. Firstly, we report how chance, with its underlying risks, presents itself as a means of “colonizing the future” (Giddens, ) and as unmatchable of the few (albeit grievous and illusory) opportunities for mixer mobility. Secondly, we play up how the glorification of risk-taking, implicit in gambling, serves as a fashion to catch the hope for elude among contemporaneous citizens in Western societies. Lastly, we underline how games grant for the reflection of grammatical category skills (logical, dramatic, or moral), which in sprain build certain kinetics built-in to repute and societal condition inside particular groups (Reith, ). In conclusion, this schoolbook serves as a serial publication of preliminary reflections nonpareil for initiating later studies on non-baffling gambling, aimed at comprehending coeval hazard from a sociological perspective.

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